Hawkswood School welcomed Dr. Laymon Hicks to one of our two staff professional development days. He spoke to staff about the topic "Someone Needs You." After two full days of professional learning, staff are so happy to welcome the students back today! We are all looking forward to a wonderful 2024-2025 school year!
3 days ago, Michelle Moro
Class 127 learned about the history of ice cream. The class learned about how it began and evolved into what we currently eat today. The students answered questions throughout the lesson and then followed directions make their own - good work, all!
23 days ago, Michelle Moro
Hawkswood students are hard at work creating a variety of projects that will be featured at the Holiday Pop-UP Shop in December. Some of the exciting items currently in the works include birdhouses, coasters, and screen-printed tote bags. We truly hope you enjoy what we’ve started, and just wait - there’s much more to come! Get ready for our Pop-UP Shop in December – it’s sure to be a fantastic event!
about 1 month ago, Michelle Moro
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Last week, our Arts Integration Team presented at the Arts Education New Jersey Summer Institute in Princeton; the presentation was "Arts Integration Our Way: Tools, Tricks and Examples." Wonderful job to our Hawkswood School team!
about 2 months ago, Michelle Moro
Hi Everyone, and Happy Summer! Please see the following memo in regards to a partnership with First Atlantic Federal Credit Union on their "Feed the Kids Summer Food Drive" to benefit Lunch Break in Red Bank. We are excited to help this cause!
2 months ago, Michelle Moro
Class 169 completed a reading activity, "Dragons Love Tacos," then did an activity where they followed directions and made choices to create their own taco craft. Great job, everyone!
4 months ago, Michelle Moro
Don't forget Hawkswood's latest fundraiser! Please see the previous flyer that was sent home, or the website for design options. Thank you!
5 months ago, Michelle Moro
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Students have been working hard in Art Class during Pottery Month! The students have been creating all month long - take a look at all the sculptures and pottery projects they have been working on! Wonderful job!
6 months ago, Michelle Moro
Class 163 completed a holiday activity, and celebrated Pi Day! Great job!
6 months ago, Michelle Moro
Last week, Class W142 read a story about Leap Year and followed a visual recipe to create a yummy Leap Frog treat! They all had a great time, and are already 'jumping' into March activities!
6 months ago, Michelle Moro
Hawkswood School will be closed on Tuesday, 2/13/24, due to inclement weather. Thank you.
7 months ago, Michelle Moro
It's had been cold out there! Preschoolers in Class 148 are learning about thematic winter activities like sledding!
7 months ago, Michelle Moro
Class 140 completed a speech/OT collaborative group where each student followed a recipe to make a snowman on a stick! The class worked on identifying ingredients and following directions to make this yummy winter treat. Great job to all!
8 months ago, Michelle Moro
Due to inclement weather, Hawkswood School will be closed Friday, January 19, 2024. Be safe, everyone.
8 months ago, Michelle Moro
Hawkswood School will operate on a delayed opening schedule on Wednesday, January 17, 2024. Staff will arrive at 9:30 AM, students will arrive at 9:45 AM. Safe travels, all.
8 months ago, Michelle Moro
Hawkswood School will operate on a delayed opening, on Tuesday, January 16, 2024. Staff will arrive at 9:30 AM; Students will arrive at 9:45 AM.
8 months ago, Michelle Moro
Our students have been hard at work with their Science Lessons. This class learned about rain, fog, and snow, as weather conditions. After answering comprehension questions, the students participated in a hands-on experiment where they made a "Snowstorm in a Jar," using oil, water, paint, food coloring, and alka seltzer tablets. Students worked on following directions to mix, pour, and measure items to complete this experiment. Well done, all!
9 months ago, Michelle Moro
A W135 student during an occupational therapy session in our new therapy gym!
10 months ago, Michelle Moro
Class 127 learned about how pollution, specifically plastic bags, impacts the ocean and its inhabitants. The class spoke about how each person can help reduce pollution and improve aquatic life and how important that is for the planet. Class 127 then made 'Ocean Cups" with blue jell-o and Swedish fish as an extension activity! Great job!
about 1 year ago, Michelle Moro
Hawkswood teachers completed a training yesterday; they were asked "What drives you?" Within seconds, various responses popped up on the survey! Here is a look at the wonderful things that drive our staff each day - students, collaboration, growth, and success to name just a few!
about 1 year ago, Michelle Moro